Should I stay or should I go? You've got 5.59 seconds.
5.59 seconds is how long people spend on average looking at a website's written content. You know...those thingies called words.
5.59 seconds is the average time it takes for them to decide "should I stay or should I go".
The sad truth? Most websites lose 80% (or more!) of their visitors in that time.
Why does this happen? It's like the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
The same principle applies to your website. You can spend a million bucks on laser-targeted Facebook and Google ads.
You can invest thousands of dollars hiring SEO consultants.
You can try all sorts of voodoo, "growth hacking" hacks to drive more traffic to your website.
But when people visit your website you simply can't make them pull out their wallets and buy from you.
Because you're an entrepreneur, not a member of the New Jersey La Cosa Nostra mafia.
So you have to persuade people. And persuasion starts with words. But not any words. You need:
Words that cut through the noise.
Words that provoke.
Words that motivate the reader to act.
Moral of the story, stop second guessing and trying to figure out what's wrong with your website. Instead, get expert eyes to rewrite your website copy.