Teardwn: Attract + Convert Copywriting Package

Source: Firefly Atelier Design
Source: undefined
Source: Jason Clarke
Source: Jason Clarke
Source: kellyelsubi

he truth is, people don’t buy products. People buy lifestyle upgrades, social status symbols or cultural acceptance. People buy peace of mind, time savers or...the “good enough” option. In other words, people buy stories that resonate.

With my help, you'll finally have a home page that tells a story that resonates with the right people (And grows your sales 2x, 4x, or even 10x).

Source: Firefly Atelier Design
Source: africapitarch
Source: undefined

Your startup is building a new product and your MVP is almost ready to launch 🚀 Or maybe you run a DTC or eCommerce business and you know it's time to refresh your home page copy.

Whatever's the case, you're still having second thoughts. Because you've tried writing the copy by yourself, but something doesn't feel right. Your message isn't clear enough and makes vague promises.

You're afraid your message is boring, and boring doesn't sell. That's why it's time to hire a Pro copywriter.

Who is this for: B2C Startups & eCommerce brands

Includes: Conversion-focused copywriting for 1 Page (Home or Landing Page)

Turnaround time: 1 week

Your investment: $1999

Source: africapitarch
Source: Wunostacy
Source: Yessy One
Source: Yessy One

Unignorable headlines

plain english copy

That make your product interesting and frame it in a way that’s relevant to the reader.

I'll use the same language your audience uses.

Source: Yessy One
Source: Yessy One

memorable page title tags

website wireframe

So you can have a clear visual idea of how the copy should be structured to convert better.

And meta descriptions that will improve your SEO. But written for humans, not bots.

Source: Yessy One
Source: Yessy One

3 rounds of revisions

140-Word Pitch-Worthy Bio

Your new elevator pitch that works just as well offline as it does online. Perfect for social media bios, too.

And a post-analysis feedback round over email or Google Meet.

Source: Yessy One
Source: undefined
Source: africapitarch
Source: shotdebleach
Source: westeggpress
Source: Wescribbles

"Teardwn provided copywriting for our marketing landing page. This was instrumental in setting the tone and path forward for all marketing materials, communication, and branding. Prior to this, we had struggled and never came up with something consistent. Miguel provided clarity within a couple of weeks. He was easy to work with, fast, and collaborative."

Mimi Chan, Founder & CEO of Littlefund

Source: Wescribbles

"Miguel was the key for us to level-up our marketing. Previously we had only been iterating on our same tired messaging. I was impressed with how little work it took on our part to get a comprehensive review from Miguel. Then, making the changes was as simple as copy-and-pasting, and we saw a categorical improvement we would have never got to with our A/B testing."

Maia Bittner, Co-Founder of Pinch

Source: Wescribbles

"Creating a brand from scratch was incredibly overwhelming for us. We knew we needed help with copywriting, but we were afraid that someone from the outside might not 'get us'. However, Miguel was incredibly quick in understanding our tone of voice, our jokes and what we wanted to communicate. Resulting in a webpage that is simple but still funky!"

Leticia Horvath, Co-Founder of The Green Conspiracy

Source: africapitarch
Source: Josh Rigling
Source: Wunostacy
Source: J O T A
Source: undefined
Source: J O T A
Source: J O T A

snackablecopytips.com - Snackable Copy Tips For Indiepreneurs

Source: shotdebleach
Source: Jason Clarke
Source: Ex-Voto Design / Leslie Saiz
Source: shotdebleach
Source: Jason Clarke
Source: Firefly Atelier Design
Source: Firefly Atelier Design
Source: africapitarch
Source: hellojcka
Source: msgigiyu
Source: Caramell Frap